
Remote Workplace Wellness

For the majority of UK employees right now our workplace is our home; we are isolated from our families, friends and colleagues. Remote working has its perks like flexible hours and your own kitchen on hand, but working alone can be lonely and it can be hard to stay upbeat.

As COVID lockdown restrictions ease, there are employers who cannot wait to have their team back in the office. However, after the success for many firms of what was essentially a global experiment on virtual office working, many of the UK’s largest companies have committed to flexible working arrangements for employees moving forward.

Despite its success; with remote working generally having a positive impact on productivity and employee wellbeing, remote working does come with its own distinct set of challenges. With the pressures of the pandemic it’s been a challenging time and many employees are struggling; consequently mental health has been put at the top of the agenda for HR teams.

With the remote workforce set to stay for the medium and perhaps longer term, we asked our team for some of their top tips for staying motivated, looking after their mental health and keeping generally healthy whilst working from home.

Daily exercise and fresh air

It’s so easy to spend hours just sat at a desk or your kitchen table. Whether it’s a little bit or a lot, exercise will help increase your endorphins and all our team agreed that it is guaranteed to make you feel better mentally and physically. Mark Smith says that keeping his fitness up is key to helping him feel good: “Finding time each day to exercise makes a significant difference to how I feel.”

Scott Perry recommends: “I keep well by ensuring I put some time aside every day to exercise and work out. Make sure you have regular breaks and get fresh air, even if it is just a quick walk around the block.”

Scott Perry's tips for wellness when working from home

Sitting inside under artificial light is a fast-track to feeling blue. Getting fresh air to help blow away the cobwebs and dose of vitamin D from the sunlight can go a long way. Ben Phillips says on the days he hasn’t left the house he’s struggled: “Make sure you get outside every day, even if it’s for a 30 mins walk or run.”

Keep in touch

Communication really is key so keep talking; to colleagues and to friends, whether it’s on the phone, through Teams or by Skype. Alex James advises: “Make time to keep in touch with people –diarise social catch ups with colleagues, friends and family to give yourself something to look forward to.”

For employers and managers; ensuring that regular team catch ups are diarised is so important and a great way to keep your team connected. CMA’s Director Aran Purewal says: “Keep on talking to colleagues on the phone/video as much as possible.”

Vickie says that although sometimes the sound of silence is very welcome, having background noise helps her feel in-touch with others: “I find the radio helps massively with the feeling of isolation; I can hear other people talking and having similar thoughts/feelings. I also sometimes mix it up and listen to podcasts and have even started a few audio books.”

Remote working wellness guide - stay in touch

Break up your work day

We’ve talked before about the importance of planning out your day when working from home. Our Bournemouth team finds that setting one-hour tasks and then moving around in between them really helps to keep them motivated – and it allows your eyes to have a break too. Moya says: “Try and move around at least every hour and not sit in the same place for long periods of time.”

“I’m lucky in that I sit at my kitchen breakfast bar so it’s higher, but I ensure that every hour I stand up at my desk, or walk around whilst I’m on the phone.”
– Lynsey Walsh

Taking regular breaks is a common theme for workplace wellness from the CMA team – as is taking your lunch break away from your desk. Fran advises: “Make sure you take your lunch break, and take time away from the screen.”

Richard Cooling always ensures he takes his lunch break and spends it with his wife and young son: “It definitely helps me to de-stress.”

Enjoy where you work

Make sure your space is comfortable and as pleasant as possible. The first key to setting yourself up for remote working success is setting up a workspace. A supportive chair, correct screen height and proper posture are all important. Moya Dunn even has a heated back mat which works a treat, to help prevent back ache.

Whether it’s a garden view, natural light, a desk plant or ambient background music; make sure that you are as happy as possible with where you are sat. Lizzy says: “Sit by a window if you can while working from home and have some background music to keep spirits up.”

Our Basingstoke team is a big fan of bird feeders – they’re lovely for your garden visitors and it gives you something different to look at!

Lynsey Walsh's tips for working from home wellness

Make time for family, friends and fun

A work life balance is more important than ever when working from home. Take a walk at lunch time or after work with your partner or housemate, it’s a good opportunity to get some air, do some light exercise and talk to them without the interruptions from work or the TV.

Make time for things that you love – for Denise Papadatos this can be a Saturday afternoon outing to the seafront for fish and chips and a dog walk, or Zoom quiz nights with family and friends.

Fun doesn’t just have to be out of work hours – make time to have fun where you can within work too. CMA Basingstoke has gotten in to the habit of ‘Dress up Fridays’ to lift their mood and break the routine. Hayley says: “We sometimes have a theme to our Friday catch-ups which involves a little bit of easy dressing up!”

Be kind to yourself

And finally, don’t be too hard on yourself! The past year has been mentally very draining for everyone regardless of their personal situation, so make sure you remember that. If you are struggling then reach out to colleagues, managers or friends and seek support.

Our consultants are here to support you and are always happy to provide help and advice no matter what your situation. If you would like to talk then then get in touch.