

The Labour Government: What’s changing with employment law?

The Labour Party had a lot to say about employment law in its manifesto prior to the July general election, with promises to ‘make work pay’. So, what will be changing when it comes to employment law and what do employers need to be aware of? There is a long list of proposed changes but in this article, we highlight the key issues outlined by Labour that employers need to be aware of.

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Solent 250 Awards 2024

CMA is proud to be a sponsor of the Solent 250 Awards 2024. Our sponsored category for 2024 is Growth Story of the Year and here we reveal the winners and more abut how the judges made their decision.

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Handling Rejection in Your Job Search: How to Build Resilience

We all experience failure at some point in our lives, and part of job hunting is facing rejection after an unsuccessful interview. Dealing with rejection from a job application is never easy, there is a key to handling rejection though - and that is building resilience. In this article, we share our recruitment consultants’ expert advice to help you overcome these hurdles and keep positive.

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Authentic Leadership and the CFO

There are many ways to lead an organisation and many different types of leaders. In this article CMA's Associate Director George Weston reflects on authentic leadership. He explores how those leaders who have a deep understanding of themselves can reflect on their actions and motivations, which helps them make better decisions and relate to others more effectively.

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CMA’s Salary Survey 2023/24

Every year we benchmark roles across the accountancy, finance and HR sectors to ascertain the remuneration levels and trends. These findings help both employees and employers ensure they are receiving – and paying – a competitive sum. Alongside this, we also do a deep dive into the data and analyse factors affecting all aspects of recruitment in our area. Read all our key findings...

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People, Culture and Opportunity: 25 Years in Recruitment

This year CMA’s Commercial Director, Richard Dibden, celebrates an impressive 25 years with the business. We sat down with Richard to uncover how the industry and indeed the company has changed in that time, his highlights and importantly, what it is about the culture at CMA that keeps him here.

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