

Job hunting in an uncertain climate

2020 is a world in flux and no more so than when it comes to the job market. It may seem like a daunting time to be looking for a new job and media headlines can make it seem even more so. If you’re looking for a new role then these expert tips from CMA’s experienced recruitment consultants will help you with your job search in this uncertain climate.

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How to work with your recruitment consultant

As recruiters we can help candidates land the perfect job, but we can’t do that alone. Here’s how you can work with your recruiter to really get the best out of them, fully prepare yourself for the interview - and promote yourself and your skills to your potential employer.

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Setting yourself up for successful remote working

Working from home is certainly not for everyone, and it can be daunting if you are new to it. Here we have gathered five top tips from our staff to help you set yourself up for successful remote working from home.

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How to achieve work-life blend

Where work-life balance seeks to compartmentalise our home and work lives, a work-life blend looks to integrate them in a way that suits us as individuals - so the extent of your ‘blend’ depends on you and your needs. This method is more realistic in a world of devices and an ‘always-on’ culture. 

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Nightmare interview stories

We’ve all encountered a terrible interview. Sometimes it’s something you’ve done, but what happens when it’s not something you could plan for? Sometimes through no fault of your own bad interviews do happen, even when you’ve done the legwork. You told us about some of your own interview horror stories.

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How to use social media to improve your job prospects

Job hunting in the 21st Century is fast, competitive and online. If you're not using LinkedIn et al efficiently, then you'll be left behind. Here are a few ways to use social media to boost your job prospects.

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